Paul Newman's Artwork for Chelsea Flower Show Garden


We are pleased to share Paul Newman's recently completed artwork for  The Rewilding Britain Landscape garden, designed by Lulu Urquhart and Adam Hunt for this year's RHS Chelsea Flower Show, and their first time taking part in this prestigious event.


"It has been a privilege to be a small part of the process to help visualise this beautifully designed garden. Beavers are incredible bioengineers within natural ecosystems and they are now reestablishing rich, abundant and diverse habitats, currently under licence with the help and support of Wildlife Trusts across the UK."


"The garden shows a naturally re-wilded landscape in south west England. A brook flows through a copse of hawthorn, hazel and field maples beneath a winding old west-country stone wall. Below is a dam and pool created by beavers with a lodge behind. Rivulets of water trickle through the dam and spread out through a riparian meadow in which rejuvenating alders, goat and crack willow grow. An old timber walkway leads across the wetland meadow to a natural resting spot at the side of the pool. Through the  landscape, native wildflowers mingle with grasses, while marginal plants throng the edge of the pool and streams.


Beavers became extinct in the UK 400 years ago, and only in recent years have they been reintroduced to parts of the country.


Favourite trees of beavers, including hazel and field maples, have been chosen for the garden, as well as native wildflowers and plants that encourage and support trees such as hawthorn and alder, which provide winter food for many birds and support dozens of insect species." Paul Newman

27 Jan 2022
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