Anna Mossman in Group Show, 'Frequency'

Anna Mossman is currently showing her work as part of a group exhibition, Frequency (26.07.23 - 06.08.23) at OHSH Projects, Peckham Arches, London, alongside Katrina Blannin, Olivia Longstaff, Onya McCausland, Diana Palmer, Fleur Simon, Emma Tod, Imogen Wetherell and Anisa Zahedi.


"'frequency’ presents a style spectrum, surveying today’s abstraction by nine female artists. Ranging from monochromatic fields of colour, clean-edged compositions to expressive painterly works with explosive rainbow-like palettes. Sequentially the exhibition moves through styles, with works progressively exemplifying the paradox between control and expression. Repeated motifs and processes are employed with compositional pacing. Rhythm, gesture and action ebb and flow through playfully restructured and reconfigured materials and surfaces.

'frequency' groups artists who in their own individual ways engage with painting’s formal elements: colour, optics, material, structure and balance and gestural mark making."


Another exhibiting artist, Onya McCausland, was recently featured in 'Lines of Empathy', an incredible group show of works on paper by 17 artists, here at CLOSE. See our exhibitions page for photos.

27 Jul 2023
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